July 14, 2024


The whole nation already knew what they were capable of with the degree of hatred they have shown towards President Trump; but because of the grace and mercy of God, America did give them the benefit of doubts in hope that there might be some form of civility in them that they would not pull the unthinkable towards a fellowmen.

As we have witness on the treacherous day of July 13th 2024, they had showed that they are truly desperate and in their desperation, they’d brazenly carry out that which was evil in their hearts and intends and did the unthinkable towards America and her citizens. They have shown America and the world of who they really are and their wicked hearts and spirits.

We as a Nation can never put our guards down and we should never put anything pass them as of what they might be capable of. The evil and wickedness that they harbor within their hearts and spirits can turn dark at any moment of desperation as we have witnessed this day.

Even with their wicked hearts and evil intends towards America and her citizens. We can pray that one day they may find peace in God and The Savior Jesus Christ who is the only one that is able to neutralize their wicked and evil hearts.

God be with America, President Trump, his family and all the families that are affected by this treacherous incident.

Cyndie Tran – 7/13/2024