The Brutal Games of Politics -Spiritual Warfare

April 11, 2023

Politics is a brutal game as one enters its playing field. One needs to be prepared and with great discernment when one decides to enter the political arena, when one decides to communicate with anyone who does not share your view. Just know that not everyone has good intentions and most have motives to bring tension or divisions to stir trouble. Remember that it is also a spiritual warfare. There are spirits that targets anyone who enter the political field to challenge their political ideology and/or agenda and they will target and attack and their manifestations would be through anyone that they can use to provoke to anger or be distracted from the purpose and goals which one have set for such journey.
The spirits in the person in front of you may be stir by the God spirits that is in you. So there can be Unprovoked tension that can be very uneasy to deal with due to spiritual convictions. So always pray during these times for our battles is not of the flesh. “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

In a political playing field. A candidate should Always stay focus on the purpose that the candidate’s heart and mind had set out to accomplish in the journey. Never be sidetrack and/or be derail from the goal that one has set. As the political journey begins. One can be sure there will be pressures, negativity, and challenges by the opposition parties to distract or disregard the potential of anyone running for the position. Therefore, the focus of the political journey of a candidate must always express and present to the hearer and voters of what the candidate’s visions, intentions and purpose for the changes that the candidate will bring to the citizens, the communities, the cities, the states, and/or country. The reasoning must always be clear with truth, with visions, with perseverance, determinations, and transparency to paint a portrait for the voters to see of your purpose and intentions of the outcome of the vision why you as a candidate are running in the race.

As it is almost second hand to nature as one enters the political arena, most certainly the attackers, the accusers, and nay sayers will come from all corners of the ring and they will do their best to dig up anything, even your ancestor’s grave to find anything on a person if they possibly can. They will be brutal and relentless in their determination to go after you. They don’t know who you are, but yet they are willing to do the best smear campaign against you if they possibly can to try to take you down. Therefore, the candidate MUST always stay TRUE and FOCUS on the VISIONS, and the PURPOSES of the missions that they set out to do as they express and present their concerns for the CITIZENS, the communities, the cities, the states or country and not for the nay sayers, accusers, and attackers who don’t have your best interest in their agenda.

Cyndie Tran